Thursday 19 July 2012

A little set back...

Unfortunately life sometimes throws us curve balls.

At this point, due to one of those unexpected curve balls, it looks like I will not be able to launch the siggybeads web store on Artfire til September.

I of course will continue to make all sorts of interesting things and post my adventures, successes and failures here.

It'll just take a little longer before I care share my work with everyone out there.

I'll keep you all updated here.

Thanks for your patience.

Monday 16 July 2012

Too Hot!

Its been too hot to bead and too hot to blog for the last week or so. But it has been the perfect temperature to shop in big, frosty air conditioned stores.

The bulk of my shopping has been a little bittersweet. A fabric and sewing store in the area has decided to no longer sell beads and is selling off their stock at up to 60% off their regular prices. It saddens me that yet another local source of beads is drying up, but I'm certainly not going to let that keep me from taking advantage of the great prices.

It seems like thirteen is my lucky number, since that's how many tubes of beads I've picked up (thus far at least).

Some are colours I use constantly, others are ones I use rarely or have never used at all, but that I have ideas for. One, well, I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but when I didn't pick up a tube on my first visit, I kept thinking about them until I went back!

So shiny... so colourful...

Yeah... I think I'll be back for more!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Canada Day Craft Faire and My Current Goals

First off, the Craft Faire was a blast.   I have never had so much fun working before in my life.  I got to meet and speak to all sorts of people about my jewelry and beading in general.  I even managed to sell several pieces and might have a few custom requests in the next little while.

Secondly,  I have several goals for both this blog and my little business, and I thought it would be a good idea to list them here to keep them close at hand.

-post here 2 to 3 times a week
-get my ArtFire site up and running by the first of August
-get a Flickr or Tumblr account for photos of my pieces up and running
-make a watermark to protect my photos while they're floating around on the internet
-get a new camera, as mine is about 10 years old (this is sort of a longer term goal than the others listed)

It will be a long journey, but I'm confident it will be an interesting one!